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Diving in Okinawa!!!

Come dive with Ar_Yo_Divin_?

My professional experience will give new divers the necessary impetus to start off on the right foot. I personally work with each client to help them achieve their individual goals with each dive. I encourage and motivate. From the first class I identify the capabilities of each client. My goal is to help them reach and exceed their potential.

Mergulho com Whaleshark

"Without enthusiasm, nothing great has ever been accomplished"

Ralph Waldo Emerson


About me - José Larotonda

PADI Instructor - OWSI 829988

The world of diving is full of challenges and wonders, and you'll want to have the best instructor by your side. I worked with many instructors in Thailand as a Divemaster, and some of the biggest names in Okinawa. If you want to learn and/or improve your skills, come dive with Ar_Yo_Divin_?. I wish you all clear waters!!!
I started diving in 2008, when I took the commercial diver course at Divers University in Santos, where I had great training, which made me feel very relaxed underwater. I took my Open Water and then went to Thailand, where I took my Advanced and Rescue Diver courses (2009-2010). End of 2011 I returned to Thailand and on 01/01/12 I started the DiveMaster course, which ends on 09/12. I arrived in Japan on 12/10. I dived in some places like Osezaki, Fukui, Kumano, Kushimoto, Shirahama, Owase... but after you come to Okinawa and are passionate about diving...  it was love at first sight!!! My wife and I used to come here for almost every big holiday (Golden Week, Obon, New Year's Eve) until it was time to move and in January 2020 I decided to stay here. I tried to take the Instructor course in June/2021, but because of Covid I had to postpone it and I became an Instructor at your service.

PADI Professional's Creed

As a PADI Professional I have the opportunity to see:

  • Fear turned into courage

  • Weakness of mind converted into accomplishment

  • Shyness turned into confidence

  • Anticipation become passion

    As a PADI Professional I can:

  • Opening hearts and minds to the hidden beauty of nature's creation and our obligation to protect it

  • Nurturing self-esteem in another person

  • Teach the value of character and integrity

  • Transform another human being and change a life for the better and forever

    “From what we earn we make our living. From what we give we earn our lives.” – Winston Churchill

"You don't need more Motivation. You need Discipline"

Wendell Carvalho

About Ar_Yo_Divin_?

Aromatherapy/Yoga/Diving - Be Divine!!!

Why choose Ar_Yo_Divin_??

Because our business is not just diving. It is personal transformation with the use of 3 tools: Aromatherapy, Yoga and Diving.

Is scuba diving safe?

A very common question, especially in the case of those who are going to do the baptism dive (for the first time) is whether the underwater sport is safe.  Absolutely, yes, you can dive into the ocean in complete safety and without fear, provided that you are accompanied by a certified recreational diver.

Do I need to know how to swim to dive with Ar_Yo_Divin_??

Did you know that many water sports don't require you to know how to swim? This is a question, by the way, very common when we think about diving in the sea: Do I need to know how to swim to dive?
Knowing how to swim is not a requirement for recreational scuba diving. Even if you are a few meters underwater, you don't need to know how to swim to dive.
In diving, a people breathe underwater, as they have a compressed air cylinder and a respirator. So don't worry you won't drown. 😉 As you are now aware, this “I need to know how to swim to dive” question is a myth . In water, when you're diving, what matters is buoyancy, which you learn in confined water or on the beach in a shallow area.

Diving with Fish

Get in touch

Contact us today to arrange a Dive in Okinawa with Ar_Yo_Divin_?.

Okinawa Shi, Teruya 4-4-3/302


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